Friday, December 10, 2010

Being sick is for the BIRDS...

This is the official sick house with the most diversified of illnesses you will ever find under one roof within a residential neighborhood. Yes, Kaden has a cold, Braylee has Strep Throat, and I of course have Bronchitis. No, it is not fun. It is horrible. But, what are you going to do? We are all knocking back our antibiotics and hanging out in our PJs all day watching Dr.Seuss classics that I recorded on DVR from ABC Family channel. I love moments like this. My son is in love with The Cat in the Hat. I love listening to him laugh while watching the show. My daughter doesn't care either way. She is just more concerned in what he is doing and where I am at. Anyway, family will be coming in next weekend from out of town to celebrate Christmas early so hopefully we are all well and ready to meet up with family.
My sister will be taking my pup, Titan, back home with her. We are in need of letting him go due to his fear of Patrick. He will have a dog friend without having to compete for attention with a three year old and a two year old. So, hopefully this will work out well enough that the transition with the children will be good and smoothe. NO MORE ANIMALS FOR A LONG TIME! I love critters, but I think it is just time to just be us for a long while. If we decide to get any more animals I think it is going to have to be cats because of the independence. But, that won't be for a long while. Anyway, hope everyone had a great week!

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