Monday, October 25, 2010

Healthy Thoughts on Quesadillas

I admit it. I have a horrible time with getting my son to eat anything healthy - anything remotely healthy. I mean, sure, he will eat a wheat thin - but thats it.

So, I am finding a great and creative way to sneak veggies into your child's diet, without them noticing!

Children love Quesadillas. Well, sometimes these quesadillas are just not good for you. Sneaking in some healthy alternatives, besides just cheese, is a great way to get other nutrients into your child.

Children love to dip things. Load the quesadilla up with veggies, omit the cheese to just a light sprinkling, and allow the child to dip in white queso.

Using pea puree, such as baby food, or even sweet potato puree in a grilled ham and cheese quesadilla is a great way to get some vitamins and nutrients into your child without altering the taste.

Using refried beans, or making your own from dried-soaked-over-night-beans, will add fiber and other vitamins into your childs diet. Just add a bit of cheese and a little bit of salsa before grilling.

A great way to make sure they are getting all of the vitamins, and less fat, that they can get is try to get all natural whole foods. I buy homemade salsa. It is freshers and I feel better about feeding this to my children because there are less preservatives!

It is an easy knowledge to acquire, it just takes a bit of creative thinking. Sometimes, it will take a while for a child to try new things.

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