Friday, October 15, 2010

Titan the Chihuahua

So, I have a pup named Titan. He is a Chihuahua/Dachshund mix - plus probably a few other types of breeds in there. He stands like he is a bulldog, has long legs, and a little head - but he is too cute to me! Anyway, we adopted him from the shelter in April as my Mothers Day present - which was fabulous. We live smack-dab in the middle of Florida - - - and the poor dog freezes all of the time! It is just baffling to me. Its something I do not understand.

So, I told you all of this to tell you about my really great find the other day when going to Target. I am not much into dressing up my animals. Back before I had kids I had a dog that I dressed up and brought to the groomers to have her nails painted. But, since I have had kids, my dog is just a dog now. But, I had to do something because this little dog freezes when it is not even cold in the house. You can find him bundled anywhere that may be warm. So, I found these two sweaters. They were both only $2.50 a piece. Which is a fabulous buy! Target now has a small dollar section where everything is like less than $3. So, I decided to compare prices to those that are in the pet aisle. One sweater cost at least $8 - that is a three dollar savings, and I got two!

Bargain shopper!

Have you found any great buys lately?

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