Sunday, October 17, 2010

Queen of the Maven

So, I have been doing research on how to have a better home, make more homemade recipes and get less takeout, how to organize, and how to save money - and I have to say - I think that it is going to be like having a full time job! But, I think I can do it. Here is what I already knew, but learned again:

Cut Coupons (duh!)
Get organized and sell what is not in use - this declutters and makes money at the same time.
Find some ways to make money throughout the year - for instance, having yard sales, eBay, etc.
Keep it Clean - create a cleaning schedule
Keep a routine - this will help with time management, not something I am good at!
Stick to the schedule! - this will help with homeschooling, suppers, etc
Spend less money - this is something I have a hard time doing because I love shopping. I buy things that I do not need just to have it. Sometimes, I don't even use what I buy. We also waste a lot of food at times.
Meal Plan - this saves money on your grocery bill and takes away that question of "What's for dinner?"
Plan a budget - yeah, this is almost impossible for me, too.

These are all of my goals before the move to Ohio. I do not think it will be impossible, I just think that is will be difficult. I am not sure if I can do it, but sure am going to try.

What do you do to be th Queen of your Maven?

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